Tuesday 31 January 2012

A13 research & inspiration

     is a method by which a collection of words or images is collectively assembled. (wikipedia) 
    from consequences- a writing game. from surrealist
Surrealism- art that isn't real


I liked the bright vivid colors used.
I liked the background and how the animals also have instruments as beaks and necks
I like how the swan acts kind of like a gateway to the rest of the piece and ii also love the wings

I just like how its all animal related and t fits together

Monday 30 January 2012

creative process


<-><-><-> Improve consistency <-><-><->
<-><-><-> Plan/time <-><-><->
<-><-><-> raise quality <-><-><->
<-><-><-> communicate <-><-><->

research- clien/ comp. internet
brainstorming/inspiration- unique while still trendin ~what kind o message?? ~ audience? ~ color/style????
sketch- thumbnails. Placement
xecution- create. if stuck, walk away. start  over
critique, review- step back & look. make sure fits

Friday 6 January 2012

photo comp -Notezzzzz

snapshot- quick shot. saving a moment
Photo- image taken w/ care/thought
rule o 3rds imaginary line. splitin in 3rds
Subj where lin +
Hori on top/bottom
fill up frame
leadin lines
visual line- fo/back.lead pat
1+ subj/ fcl py
POV- changin way subj seen
simp- bg simp
move urself
mod change by bg
aut-move away


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Mint Husky

Mint Husky
My character Mint Husky