A group of logos I made for an assignment including Cake (upper left), Ice Cream (to the right of the cake) Coffee (Below Cake) And Shoe (bottom right). The tools I could use were the line tools and the shape tools. I learned that designing original icons can be harder than you think.
A1 Icons
This assignment was for learning how to use the pen tool and learning about values. I found this one more fun than the previous but still slightly boring because I find tracing very easy. I like ho w this turned out.
A2 Textures
A3 Color wheel
We had to make color wheel. I learned color schemes
A4 Pop Art
Had to make pop art.
Helped me learn color schemes
A5 Photomosaics
We had to make mosaics. I did
mine of an island fox |
we had to do a page from a child's book. I did a dragon. I used repetition
A7 we had to put ourselves in a picture. i used layer maske=s to put myself in a picture.
A8 we had to use typography to make a picture. I woudnt do anything different next time.
A11 we use photo manipulation. I used my character Shockz (a fursuit) for this. The song is Animal by Neon Trees w/ StarCraft font c:
We were supposed to find letters around us. I did
 A13 I did the body, it's supposed to be a robot c:
I like how this turned out in the end, i had a good group
 A14 we had to make a poster based off a career, i chose comic book artist so i outlined a comic book chara and made a comic book page
 A15 we had to make an old fashion book page using a song or poem, i used the theme to DN Angel. I like how it turned out
 A16 we had to make an info graph
 A18 we had to make a logo for a company off of a list. I got 3 tree landscape
 A19We had to make a business card for our chosen business. We could only use 2 spot colors. I really like how this ended up
 A19 we had to make an envelope and i like how this turned out
A19 we had to make a letterhead for our company so i made this. I like how this ended up