Wednesday 2 November 2011

Podcast 3

Define principles of design?
Concepts used to arrange elements
What do the principles of design affect?
What is the principle of repetition?
Reusing certain element
Describe ways that the principle of repetition helps the composition/audience?
What are ways that you can incorporate repetition into your designs?
Bold Text, Thick Lines, color....
What should you avoid when working with repetition?
using so much it gets annoying
What is the principle of proportion/scale?
Relation between elements
What is the most universal standard of measure when judging size?
Human Body
How can the principle of proportion/scale be used as an attention getter?
Comforting or scary
What is the principle of balance?
distribution of weightWhich kinds of elements/shapes visually weigh heavier/greater?
What is another name for symmetrical balance?
Define symmetrical balance?
Same amount of weight on both sidesWhat is another name for asymmetrical balance?
Define asymmetrical balance?
Uneven weight distribution
What is the principle of emphasis?
Stressing a particular area
What happens to a design that has no focus?
Nothing stads outWhat is a focal point and how is it created?
Where eye goes.Making an element dominate
How many components of a composition can be a focal point?
What ways can emphasis be created in a design?
Sudden change in:

What is the principle of unity?
Wholeness of a composition
What three ways can unity be obtained?
1.Making them similar
2.Diecrt vision by line

3.put things close together

What is the principle of variety?
What ways can a designer add variety to a design?
Texture    color    shape
Why is it important to find the right balance between unity and variety?
too much is boring
What is figure?
form     silhouette    Shape
What is another name for figure?
Positive space
What is ground?
surrounding area around an obj
What is another name for ground?
Negative space
When a composition is abstract (has no recognizable subject) what will the figure depend on? What does that mean?
Why must a designer consider the composition as a whole?
So it wont get too complex
What is the principle of rhythm?
Constant recurrence or movement
How is rhythm achieved?
Orderly repetition of an element
What three ways can rhythm occur in a design?
1.Same dist between objs

2.Organic flowing

3. Sequence of shapes

How does rhythm help a composition/design?
Helps deliver massage
What is the principle of contrast?
2 elements are diff
How can contrast help a design?
add visual interest
What is wrong with having too much or too little contrast in a design?
What is the key to working with contrast?
Make sure diff is obviousWhat are some common ways of creating contrast?

diff shape, color, texture

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Mint Husky

Mint Husky
My character Mint Husky